Santa - Deluxe Costume

Snowman Costume - Adult

Star Trek Gold Shirt

Scooby Doo Adult Costume

Rumba | Spanish Man Adult Costume

Popeye - Mens Fancy Dress Costume

Knight - Adult Costume
Costume Ideas for Letter S
S Personalities
There are a number of overhead masks and photo-style cardboard masks which may enable you to impersonate celebrities. Some of these may be featured in the list, but for others there may be no set costumes and outfits. These celebs include:
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Sharon Osbourne
- Simon Cowell
- Steve Gerrard
- Alan Sugar
- Spears, Britney
Safari Explorer- Armand and Michaela Dennis were the first ‘Television’ safari naturalists in the 1950’s. Nowadays the role model is more likely to be David Attenborough. Safari Suit (or shirt and shorts), with pith helmet, or sun hat and binoculars.
Safe Sex Wear a condom costume!
Sagittarius – Zodiac sign for those born between November 22 and December 21 (dates can vary). Traditionally depicted as a centaur due to the shape of the constellation, a Robin Hood or William Tell outfit could also be used.
Sailor- Apart from captains and officers such as Sir Francis Drake or Lord Nelson, one of the best known sailors is Popeye, the spinach eating cartoon hero. There was also a sailor in the Village People line up. The sailor cap evolved from the straw-boater style of Nelson’s time to the later circular hat. A blue two-piece uniform with bell-bottom trousers is seen as the typical sailor. As a variation, the American sailor is distinguished by a white tunic and trousers and the round ‘dough-boy’ cap, or the ‘Officer & Gentlemen’ – style officer’s uniform.
Saints – There are a vast range of saints available. Some are mentioned below, but aside from the obvious robe and halo, it is traditional to carry some artefact with which the saint is associated, or of the tradesman for which they are a patron saint (e.g. St Cecilia Music; St Christopher Travellers; St Bartholomew Books).
St George- Patron Saint of England, Knight of the Crusades and slayer of Dragons. Crusader-style armour or chain-mail-look outfit, with surcoat having a red cross on a white background.
Saint Nicholas (Sinter Claus) Patron Saint of Children who takes the Father Christmas role in some continental countries, but arrives to distribute presents (accompanied by Black Peter) in early December. He wears an outfit similar to a red archbishops robes.
St Trinians Schoolgirl – Anarchic school student(?) created by Ronald Searle and brought to life in a range of St. Trinians films. Schoolgirl outfit with fishnet tights, battered straw boater with ST crest.
St Valentine – Patron Saint of lovers. Costume may incorporate symbols of love or romance, or be adapted from a Cupid / Eros costume.
Salander, Lisbeth Female cyber-goth hacker and leading character in the Millennium trilogy of books and, latterly, film adaptations. The look is punky and pierced, with tattoos, notably a dragon on the back shoulder-blade. Lisbeth has black spikey hair, black jacket, T-shirt (with appropriate slogan eg Yesterday was Armageddon, Today we have a serious problem), jeans and boots.
Samantha Stephens From Bewitched (64 -72). Samantha has blonde hair and wears 60/70s clothing.
Saloon Girl – A popular female costume, not dissimilar to the 1890’s French Can-Can Dancer but with a shorter front and longer train.
Salt cellar Novelty foam-based costume.
Samba Dancer – Wear Spanish style Latin costumes.
Samurai – Member of the Japanese warrior caste between the 11th and 19th centuries, fearsome (and fearless) warriors, famous for their swordsmanship. The costume, which is striking and elaborate, though specialist, is available in latex rubber from some suppliers, although there are also some less complex variations.
Sandie Shaw – English Pop Star of the 1960’s, who married designer Jeff Banks and hence had her own boutique shop chain and label. Simple Nineteen-Sixties smock style dress. Long (shoulder length) brunette hair. Deadpan Expression! The barefoot look was her trademark.
Sandy Olsen Leading character from the musical Grease. Although she spends much of the story (which is set in 1950s America) in plain preppy gear (blouse, full skirt, pop socks), the climactic made-over Sandy in black leather-look and blonde curly hair is popular.
Santa Claus – Also known as Sinter Claus, Saint Nicholas (on the Continent of Europe) or Father Christmas, Santa Claus wears a robe of dark red, fur-trimmed in white. However his image has been overtaken by the Americanised version of the bearded jolly fat man, developed by Coca-Cola in their corporate colours of bright red and white.
Saruman the White – Character from the ‘Lord of the Rings’, portrayed by Christopher Lee, in the Peter Jackson films. A long white flowing robe and long straight white wig and beard will have the effect.
Saturday Night Fever – Wear a white 70s flared suit in the style of the one John Travolta wore in the film of the same name and show your moves on the dance-floor.
Sauce Bottle – A foam-based novelty costumes may be available to purchase
Scarecrow- Famous scarecrows have included the One without the Brain from the ‘Wizard of Oz’ and ‘Worzel Gummidge’ from the books by Barbara Euphann Todd.
Scarlett O’Hara- Feisty heroine of the Margaret Mitchell book, ‘Gone with the Wind’. Vivien Leigh starred in the 1939 film which won her an Oscar in 1940. American Southern Belle Costume.
Schoolboy Popular outfit for Skool Disco retro club-nights. Outfit usually involves blazer, shorts, tie plus a school cap. Famous school-boys have been Just William, Billy Bunter and Nigel Molesworth from the male equivalent of St Trinians St. Custards.
Schoolgirl - The Schoolgirl has always been something of a fantasy figure, sometimes for questionable reasons. The Britney Spears’ music video for ‘One more time…’, featuring the singer as a somewhat wanton school girl with short skirt and plaits, has helped to renew interest in the concept. See also St.Trinians. This is also a popular choice for a restrained drag cross-dressing outfit.
Schumacher (Michael) – World famous racing driver. (Brother Ralf also participated in the sport). Wear a racing driver outfit
Scientist Professional easily recognised by the white lab coat, glasses and mad hairstyle.
Scooby-Doo - Long time favourite of children of all ages on the small screen, and now also a movie star. Scooby-Doo costumes are readily available for both adults and children
Scottish Costumes - These may come in many forms for both males and females, but most will involve the use of tartan material. Scots are also traditionally red-headed, as evidenced by the Pixar film Brave.
Scorpion – Symbol of the star sign Scorpio in which Halloween falls. Black material or PVC outfit with ‘stinger’ tail. Reflective Glasses can add an air of mystery, symbolic to the Scorpio personality.
Scout -Do-gooder who wears a distinctive uniform, traditionally based on a military explorers outfit.
Scream- Extremely popular (and simple) horror outfit, featuring a long black cape and cowl, knife and elongated skull style mask.
Scrooge – Long white Victorian style night shirt and matching cap, beard and wire frame spectacles.
Scuba Diver – Wear a Scuba Divers costume.
Scully, Dana FBI Character from the popular sci-fi TV series, The X-Files.
Sea God- Poseidon (Greek); Neptune (Roman); Njord (Norse).The traditional image involves flowing robes, a long beard, unkempt hair and a trident.
Seahorse- Seahorses are either sandy-beige or reddish-brown. The costume is worked on a basic S-shape, but with a curly, hook-like tail. The head looks like that of a horse but the mouth is more of a funnel-like tube.
Sea Nymph- A sea-nymph (Nereid) should be in blues and/or greens. Body colour and wig/hair colour should match.
Sea-Turtle – Adapt a ninja turtle suit or build a shell out of fabric/card/fiberglass and use with grey/green bodysuit.
Sergeant Pepper – The Sergeant Pepper look is based on The Beatles album of the same name, the Fab Four’s suits in pink/gold, green/gold, blue/gold, yellow/gold, can all be used to represent the Sergeant Pepper look.
Seven of Nine Cyborg character from the series Star Trek Voyager. Noted for her metallic grey jumpsuit and cyborg facial appliance.
Seventies Man / Woman Wear any 1970s costume from hippies to Glam Rock
Shagwell, Felicity CIA agent who assisted Austin Powers in his second movie The Spy Who Shagged Me. An official costume, base on a hot-pant suit is available.
Shakespeare, William- The Bard of Avon, arguably the world’s greatest playwright. Doublet, breeches and hose form the basic costume.
Shania Twain – Popular and Country and Western turned mainstream singer. Leopard-print dress or coat and hat. Top hat and tails, fishnets and heavy eye make-up.
Shark – Novelty costume available to purchase. A variation Man Eating Shark is also available.
Sheep – Popular for nativity plays and one of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. Ready-made sheep costumes are available for children from a number of suppliers, but a white fur fabric body can easily be converted for an adult version. Please do not use cotton wool as part of a homemade fancy dress costume. There are too many reported incidents of costumes catching fire!
Sheik – An Arab-style costume needing little explanation. Those modelling themselves on the Valentino version may find use of a Hookah or cigarette holder is useful.
She-Ra 1980s TV cartoon heroine and sister of He-Man, protector of Castle Greyskull.
Sheriff - Obviously the classic Wild West sheriff springs to mind or, more recently, Woody from Toy Story.
Sheriff of Nottingham Usually depicted as the arch-enemy of Robin Hood; Tunic, gown, hat.
Sherlock Holmes – Legendary fictional detective of 221b Baker Street, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Typical costume comprises Meerschaum pipe, deerstalker hat, tweed coat with attached shoulder cape. Accessories could include a magnifying glass and/or violin.
Shirley Bassey – Welsh singer known for her glitzy dresses, brown curly hair and for singing several of the James Bond theme songs.
Shirley Temple – Child film star of the 1930’s. Plenty of curls with bows in her hair, short girly dress, ankle socks and low heel tap shoes.
Shrek- Green ogre from the films of the same name. Costume comprises a grey woollen jumper, short brown ‘tied’ waistcoat, brown leggings and green head with round sticky out ears.
Silver Surfer - The new all-in-one morphsuit-style outfits enable you to portray this character (a foe of Marvel comics Fantastic Four in their second film).
Siren In Greek mythology, female creatures, similar to mermaids, whose songs and behaviour lured sailors to their doom on rocks. In the wider context, any femme fatale type female.
Sir Francis Drake – Elizabethan naval hero, best known for playing bowls at Plymouth Ho, prior to defeating the Spanish Armada. He wears typical Elizabethan doublet and hose and is famed for his style of beard.
Sir Walter Raleigh – Another famous Tudor, credited with introducing tobacco and the potato to England. Shirt, waistcoat, doublet, trunk hose over tights. Beret-style hat & feather, cloak, beard.
Sixties Man / Woman wear any 60s costumes from Hippies to Austin Powers
Skeleton – Skeleton suits with masks or make-up are easy to find. Death and Grim Reaper are examples. Skeleton zombie costumes are also very popular with young men.
Skeletor Arch-enemy of He-Man in the TV cartoon series of the same name. An official costume has been available, but a skeleton outfit plus hooded robes may suffice.
Skunk Black and white squirrel-like character, noted for squirting a smelly liquid if threatened. Some mascot-style costumes exist.
Sleeping Beauty – Also known as Princess Aurora in the Disney version. A Princess who, following a spell by the wicked fairy, (Maleficent in Disney) falls into a long sleep, along with the other inhabitants of the castle. She was awakened by a passing prince.
Smith Agent Agent and his clones who seek to defeat Neo in the Matrix films. Dark suit and black wraparound sunglasses.
Snail Possibly the best known snail is Brian from the popular TV series The Magic Roundabout. Predominantly blue and silver with a red boater-style hat.
Snake A patterned cat-suit could be used for this idea, or possibly some body paint. It could be part of a pair, if coupled with someone as a snake-charmer.
Snake & Ladders Snakeskin leotard coupled with ‘laddered’ tights, to resemble the board game.
Snake-charmer Standard Arabian outfit with a pipe/flute. And either with a fake snake, or someone dressed as one (above). There are also some risqu style snake charmer costumes available.
Snow Queen A character from the fairy tales and also featuring as a witch in the Narnia books by C.S Lewis. Costume features a white fur coat and a tall icicle snowflake crown with matching sceptre.
Snow tiger – (Ounce) White/grey/black version of the ‘normal’ tiger, with a large long furry tail
Snow White Originally a character from Grimm’s Fairy Tales, but the Disney version is now more familiar. She wears a red, blue and yellow dress. Short black wig can be teamed up with a red ribbon/headband in hair. Shorter versions of the dress are available. Some involve a red cape.
Snowball A simple costume that can be put together with some imagination.
Snowboarder An authentic looking costume may be difficult to improvise without borrowing a snow board.
Snowman A popular symbol around Christmas/Winter time. Many variations available. An authentic fur jumpsuit including an overhead mask can be used, or whiten the face with make-up and create a carrot nose, scarf and hat.
Soccer Referee – Referee costume consists of a black and white top and black shorts
Soldier - Military uniforms from all nationalities and different time periods can come in useful here.
Sonny & Cher – Couple from the nineteen-sixties, who after started their singing career together, went on to having their own show. Long hair and afghan coats/waistcoats are a feature of the pair.
Sorcerer/ess - Essentially the same as a wizard/witch or magician in making use of magic powers.
Souk Trader - Found in the bazaars of Kasbahs of North Africa, the trader features a striped or coloured robe worn with a Fez or Turban.
Sound of Music character – Characters consist of Maria (the would-be novice nun), the Abbess and other Nuns, Captain Von Trapp and his Children and the invading Nazis.
South-sea Girl - Fabric crop top. Hula/grass skirt, Lei flower garland.
South Park characters – A popular American TV representing the new generation of crude humour. Masks for some characters may still be available.
Southern Belle - A popular American fashion style, sometimes also called Antebellum. Straight out of ‘Gone with the Wind’, flowing dress with layers of petticoats and frills.
Space Girl - Costumes in silver, lycra or PVC, along with boots, glitter wig and make-up is one interpretation. The Star-trek jumpsuit is another. A completely different approach would be space-girls from different planets allowing you an opportunity for creativity in costume, make-up and hair & body colour
Space-man - Could be used as the traditional ‘gold-fish bowl’ look, with a silver space suit although there is a creditable NASA replica on the market. As with the space-girl, they can be teamed with Star Trek characters.
Spandau Ballet - A British group of the 1990s ‘New Romantic’ era. Buccaneer-style baggy shirts, leather or suede trousers and waistcoats. Gelled hair.
Spanish Bullfighter (matador) Wear a Spanish hat and a cape. Costumes are available to purchase and hire.
Spanish dancer (female) - Flamenco style Spanish dress decorated with frills and frilled underskirt. Black hair with floral or mantilla hair decoration
Spanish Settler – Character from Latin America or Spanish Mexico. The masked swordsman Zorro could be suggested.
Sphinx - The best-know Egyptian version was a creature with a woman’s face and a lion’s body wearing a Pharaohs headdress, symbolising power. A Greek version asked riddles and ate those who could not guess the answer!
Spice Girls - The 90’s pop girl-band, all five available:
- ‘Baby spice’ – Baby doll dress and hair in bunches (Emma B)
- ‘Scary spice’ – A leopard-print two piece with a streaked afro (Mel B)
- ‘Ginger spice’ – Union jack dress with blonde streaked ginger hair (Geri H)
- ‘Sporty spice’ – Black crop top, two-piece tracksuit with ponytail (Mel C)
- ‘Posh spice’ – Little black dress (Victoria B)
Male versions are also available.
Spider - Nursery rhyme character, usually associated with Little Miss Muffet. Black leotard plus extra arms could be worn. Or otherwise, spider accessories such as a black web/net can be used.
Spiderman Major Marvel comic-book hero ‘Spidey’ dons a distinctive red and blue spider-web suit to deal with injustice.
Spiv - Shady character from 1940s Britain. Double-breasted two-piece suit, with a pencil moustache.
Split personality - Possible for a masquerade. Outfit could possibly be split into two halves, man and woman. Several off-the-peg outfits – Angel/Devil, Convict/Cop, Dorothy/Wicked Witch can be found.
Spongebob Squarepants - Popular cartoon character from under the sea. Costume usually available as a tabard-style costume.
Spoon - A novelty costume that you are able to purchase, with either a fork or a dish (as in the Hey Diddle Diddle rhyme) as a possible counterpart.
Sports performer (sportsman/sportswoman) - Many sports to choose from: Boxer, Football (or Soccer) player, Swimmer,Rugby player, etc.
Spy – A standard spy outfit would include a wide brim hat, such as a fedora, trench-coat with turned up collar and dark glasses. Females can achieve the look with a headscarf instead of hat. Spies can also carry a flower in the button hole, or stereotypically a newspaper. Fake-cigarettes could also be used.
Stan Laurel With Oliver Hardy were the classic ‘little and large’ comedy duo of early cinema. Costumes usually consist of suits and bowler hat.
Star Trek There are a wide range of possible outfits because of the various versions and films, although licensing restrictions may limit availability. Colour coding is also involved e.g. Spock in blue, Scott in red.
Starfish Five ‘arms’ made of sandy/beige towelling fabric, with central hole for face, or combine these elements with Elvis to create Star Fish ‘El-fish Presley’.
Starlight Express Skater Padded and decorated tabard, worn over cat-suit/leotard and tights. Make-up and hair in high-tech cyberpunk styles.
Starsky Character in popular 1970’s US cop series ‘Starsky and Hutch’. Dark curly hair and big open fronted cardigan, tied with a belt.
Statue Statues are traditionally white or grey. In the past a Statue on a pedestal costume has been available, although its not the most practical for circulating at parties in. As an alternative, The Statue of Liberty is available. A green Grecian robe is worn, plus a headdress with seven points and a torch.
Stein Maiden As an alternative to using the National costume for Germany, you could wear a serving wench outfit to create a required busty waitress look, especially for Oktoberfest (which is held late September!)
Step-mother - Traditionally step-mothers are supposed to be wicked, the two best known being the Wicked Queen in Snow White, and the step-mother in Cinderella.
Stevie Wonder Legendary pop star from the 60s to date Black two-piece suit and dark glasses. Or for his more recent look, a Kaftan and beaded dreadlocks.
Stewie - Talking toddler/baby character in the Family Guy adult cartoon television series. Outfit consists of a large head, yellow shirt and red dungarees some costumes have a mooning flap.
Stig of The Dump British Children’s book character. Caveman outfit with club.
Stormtrooper Empire troops from the ‘Star Wars’ saga. Costume consists of rigid white armour with helmet and visor. Plus weaponry.
Street-seller From townspeople in a pantomime through a fruit-stall seller from Oliver. The costume can be made up from all styles of a poor Victorian costume.
Sucellos Scandinavian deity known as the Hammer God, a Viking outfit would be used, with a winged helmet.
Sucker Punch -2011 film featuring five girls (Baby Doll, Amber, Rocket, Blondie and Sweet Pea) in a mental institution who ‘escape’ into fantasy worlds with surreal inhabitants. Official costumes are available.
Suffragette Fighters for womens rights in the early 20th century. Edwardian outfits with appropriate badges/rosettes and placards.
Sugar-plum fairy - Character from The Nutcracker ballet. The name suggests a purple glittery costume, but various fairy costumes have been seen.
Sultan - The typical sultan costume features an ornate or colourful robe and/or tunic and trousers (baggy, in the harem style) topped with bejewelled or decorated turban. With traditional Arabian slippers.
Sumo Wrestler Foam or inflatable sumo suits can be found from a number of suppliers.
Sun - Yellow costume based on the sun-like shape.
Sun-bather Go as bare-as-you-dare, depending on the weather. The costume can just consist of regular bathing-swimwear.
Sunflower The stem can be used as a green lyrca suit with ‘leaf’ gloves/mittens. A brown flower centre (in face-paint).
Supergirl - Cousin of Superman, a red and blue ensemble with large S creates this look. Licensed costumes are available.
Superhero - Superman/Batman/Spiderman. etc. There is a huge choice on the market for various superheroes costumes.
Super heroine – Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Invisible Girl. You could also use your own heroine idea here.
Superman - Donning the disguise of a regular reporter Clark Kent in between times, the Hero steps up and puts on his famous full blue/red suit with a red cape.
Super Trouper – ABBA song title – why not go as the Swedish pop group?
Surgeon – Wear green scrubs or a doctors costume, accessories could be purchased
Swan, Black – Character from the ballet Swan Lake, made popular in the film of the same name, starring Natalie Portman. Costume consists of a black tutu with feather trimming, or accessories and either a black swam motif mask, or stylised feathered black/white eye make-up and optional red contact lenses.
Swan, White – The counterpoint character to the Black Swan, costumed in a white tutu. A more conventional ballerina look.