Naval Officer - Mens Costume

Factory Worker

Robin Hood Adult Costume

Bin Laden Rubber Mask

Victorian Boy Budget Costume
Costume Ideas for Letter O
O Personalities
There are a number of overhead masks and photo-style cardboard masks which may enable you to impersonate celebrities. Some of these may be featured in the list but for others there may be no set costumes and outfits. These celebs include:
- ODriscoll, Brian
- OLeary, Dermot
- Obama, Barack
- Ollie Murs
- Olivia Newton-John
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Sharon Osbourne
O Ren Ishii (aka Cottonmouth) – A member of the Deadly Vipers Assassination Squad and aTokyo gang leader in Quentin Tarantinos Kill Bill films. She is half Chinese, half American-Japanese and once Beatrix The Bride Kiddo has overcome the members of her gang, the two engage in climactic battle at the House of Blue Leaves restaurant. O Ren Ishii wears a white kimono-style outfit (with optional obi) and has black hair tied back. She is armed with a ninja-style sword.
Obama, Barack – 44th President of the United States of America. Several versions of overhead and cardboard masks of the President are available on the market.
Oberon – King of the fairies from William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream. The opportunity for creativity is boundless – Peter Brook had Oberon and Titania in hammocks, and they were down and dirty in a mud-bath at the National Theatre. As a fantasy figure, Oberon is traditionally portrayed either as a Woodland Earth Spirit, using shades of green and brown for clothing, skin and hair, or a traditional fairy, using greens, blues, lilacs or silvery glitter fabrics, wings, etc.. Spectacular effects can be created using silver & gold glitter fabrics and U-V reactive and metallic make-up products, for a more supernatural/science fiction approach.
Obi-Wan Kenobi – Leading Jedi Knight character in the original Star Wars film (later renamed Episode Four: A New Hope). Played by Sir Alec Guinness, Obi Wan acts as a mentor to Luke Skywalker prior to his meeting with his nemesis, Darth Vader. Obi-Wan wears the standard Jedi outfit of brown robes over a white tunic and trouser outfit and, of course, carries a light sabre.
Octopus There are many different species of Octopus, and they are able to change colour based on their environment. Although many Octopii are traditionally grey/blue/black/red or sandy in colour, a toy version, Stretch, seen in the animated film Toy Story 3, is purple. Although outfits can be found, depending upon how they are designed, the tentacles can prove a practical problem for parties!
Octopussy Operative – From the James Bond film Octopussy. Octopussy is a female circus owner, but the circus acts as a cover for other more devious activities. The operatives day-job is as acrobats within the circus. Costume comprises red catsuit with small octopus symbol on the left breast, Eastern yashmak-style headdress. Weaponry may vary.
Oddjob – Bond villain from the James Bond film Goldfinger. He is oriental, mute and stocky. Costume comprises a black two piece suit and bowler hat.
Oenghus – Irish God of Love, also known as Mabon and Maponus. Unlike other Celtic gods, who are normally depicted in dark colours, Oenghus is pictured in light blue, gold and white, the latter recognising his love of the swan-maiden Caer, whom he pursued disguised as a swan one Samhain/Celtic New Year.
Ogre -Traditionally a large, cruel and ugly humanoid monster of folklore and legend. In the pantomime Puss-in-Boots, an Ogre is the main villain of the piece. However the best know ogre of recent years is, of course, Shrek, the hero of four films and a genuine book character prior to that.
Officer - Choose any form of Officer you want from RAF, Army or Naval
Officer and a Gentleman – This look is a popular one for 1980s parties and an outfit that many men are prepared to wear. Although it is based on the 1982 film of the same name starring Richard Gere as Officer Zack Mayo, the costume will also work for professions parties. Consisting of a white naval suit with black/gold trim and matching peaked cap.
Officer Of The Law - Wear a policeman (or womans) costume
Oil Spill Technician (BP) – In 2010, following the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the costume industry jumped on a contemporary bandwagon and produced an outfit based on BP oil-stained overalls.
Oktoberfest Celebrant - Oktoberfest is a German Festival which, despite the name, actually starts in late September. Much drink (usually beer) is consumed and in Germany,Munich is the main centre of celebrations. Traditional German wear such as Lederhosen, shirts and caps for men and dirndl skirts worn with lace petticoats and an apron for females may be worn, although fancy-dress costumes and unusual headgear are also seen.
Old Mother Hubbard – An English Nursery Rhyme character, who allegedly suffered a dog-food crisis. Given that Granny-style costumes are available, along with a dog outfit, this might make the basis of a couples costume.
Old Thyme Music Hall – OTMH was a form of entertainment popular in the British late-Victorian and Edwardian periods involving variety acts performing in specialist theatre-like venues, often adjacent to pubs and drinking houses. An opportunity to get out your late Victorian or Edwardian style-costumes.
Olive Oyl – Cartoon character who was the stick-thin girlfriend of Popeye the Sailor Man. Also noted for her pigtails. An official costume is available.
Oliver Cromwell – A major character in the Stuart period of British history. Following the Civil War in which the Royalist followers of King Charles the First were defeated by the Parliamentarians and the king was executed, there followed a period of puritan Commonwealth in which Christmas was cancelled and Cromwell, as Lord Protector of England, was the nearest thing the country had to a ruler. When Cromwell died, he was succeeded by his son, but the nations mood changed, leading to the Restoration of the Monarchy with Charles the Second. A costume is in black or brown sombre colours – a roundhead helmet, if available, is a bonus.
Oliver Hardy – With partner Stan Laurel, Laurel & Hardy were the classic little and large comedy duo of early cinema. Costume(s) usually consist of suits and bowler hats, although they are seen in other guises such as removal men, legionnaires, etc.
Oliver Twist – Leading character from the book of the same name by Charles Dickens. Abandoned as a baby at a Victorian workhouse inLondon, Oliver suffers several reversals of fortune, including falling in with Fagin and his gang of young thieves and pickpockets. Shirt, ragged trousers, scruffy tailcoat or jacket and cap complete the look.
Onion Seller – Probably the male equivalent to the French Maid, as a stereotypical French costume, using the classic Breton-style stripe jumper and black beret. Plastic onions are probably best substituted for the real thing!
Oompa Loompa – The Oompa-Loompas are workers employed by Willie Wonka in Roald Dahls Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Although it is generally agreed that they are of small stature, their appearance has changed from being African pygmies in early versions of the book, to white with golden hair in later versions. Also, on film in the 1971 movie (which starred Gene Wilder as Willie Wonka) they were orange skinned with greenish hair. In the later 2005 film (with Johnny Depp as Willie Wonka) they were normal looking, but in red tracksuits (although the same actor played all of the Oompa-Looma roles!).
Opera Singer – A ‘Wobbly’ Pavarotti costume is a good option, and for the female, the Wagnerian Brunhilde warrior or Madam Butterfly, from Puccini’s opera of the same name may be used.
Operation - Licensed costume based on the popular childrens game of the same name.
Ophelia – Tragic daughter of Polonius in Shakespeares Hamlet. She is in love with Hamlet, the Prince, but he is somewhat obsessed with the recent death of his father and ghosts suggesting the father was murdered. Her love is unrequited and she eventually takes her own life.
Optimus Prime – A fictional character from the Transformers TV cartoon series and recent movies. He is leader of the Autobots and, in his battle against the evil Decepticons, he can transform himself into an American-style articulated lorry. A childrens costume is available in some areas.
Orange – In theory a simple costume, but finding material of the right dimpled texture may be a problem. An alternative is the sumo-style Tango-man, used to promote the orange drink a few years ago.
Orang-utan - The word translates as Man of the Forest and the Orang-utan is one of the most intelligent of primates. An Orang-utan costume might be thought to have limited appeal over, say, a gorilla outfit but for the fact that an orang-utan is Librarian at the Unseen University in the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett.
Orc – Tough and warlike humanoid creatures found in fantasy literature and media. Nowadays, possibly best known through their portrayal in the Lord of the Rings books of JRR Tolkien, plus the subsequent films of those stories. To this end, several official Orc costumes and masks exist in addition to those that might be found from cosplay and Live-Action Role-Play suppliers and costume hire outlets.
Oreo – A much-loved American biscuit/cookie of which some costumes do exist!
Oriental - Using O for Oriental gives you a number of potentially interesting costume choices. (In this context we are taking The Orient to beSouth East Asia).
- Aladdin - Hero of the pantomime of the same name which is set in Peking,China (although the original tale is of Arabian origin).
– Chinese Acrobat Many of the new generation circus such as Circe de Soliel feature the skill and artistry of Chinese acrobats.
– Chinese Coolie A loose-fitting tunic and trousers outfit teamed with the classic Chinese-style hat.
– Chinese Girl The Chinese cheongsam dress is distinctive and stylish.
– Chinese Opera An opportunity to create a major impression there are the mask-like make-up looks of the various Opera characters to the elaborately dressed females (who are traditionally played by males!)
– Fu-Manchu the fiendish mandarin mastermind set on world domination in the books by Sax Rohmer and played on-screen by several actors, including Christopher Lee and Peter Sellers.
– Geisha A popular costume which enjoyed increased demand in the wake of the Memoirs of a Geisha film. The full Geisha Maiko look with the classic white stylised make-up requires more effort than some but the effect can be well worth it.
– Ninja Fearless Japanese sword-warrior.
– Sumo Wrestler One of the national sports ofJapan. The padded or inflatable sumo suits continue to provide entertainment value, even if they are not always practical party-wear
– Thai-Temple-Dancer The tall, elaborate head-dress, ornate costume and special finger ornaments do not make this the ideal party outfit, although less elaborate generic outfits do exist on the market.
Organ Donor - A variation on those slightly gruesome Bleeding Patient-style costumes which have exposed innards (often with blood effects). As a more subtle approach, just wear a badge Organ Donor – See inside for details
Orphan Annie - Originating from the Little Orphan Annie comic strip, the character now has a new lease of life thanks to the Annie stage musical and film. Typical Annie look is a short curly ginger wig and spotted dress, sometimes with under-petticoats.
Orpheus - In Greek myth, Orpheus was such an accomplished poet and musician that he charmed Pluto, God of the Dead and ruler of Hades, to allow his wife, Eurydice, back from the Underworld when she was killed by a snake-bite. Unfortunately he looked back at the last minute before reaching the safety of the Upperworld and Eurydice was reclaimed by Pluto.
Osama Bin Laden - Until recently, the worlds most wanted terrorist leader-in-hiding and a popular choice for Bad Taste themed parties. An Osama mask exists, and some people do not even bother with the Eastern robes, using garbage bags for Osama Bin Liner. Whether the popularity of this costume endures now that he has passed on remains to be seen.
Oscar Statuette -The Oscar (or American Academy Award Statuette) is an iconic symbol of the Movies. Although an appropriate costume has existed for several years, the recent advent of all-in-one Morph suits in all colours, including gold, offers a potential alternative option. Technically he has a broadsword which he holds downwards to rest upon the film canisters upon which he stands.
Oscar the Grouch - Character from Childrens TV show Sesame Street. This furry, slightly bad-tempered personality lives in a garbage bin and this is reflected in the official costume in which the bin comes as part of the outfit!
Oscar Wilde - Writer and poet of the Victorian era, known for his flamboyant style of dress and his cutting wit There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
Osmonds – An all male group of brothers from the early Nineteen-Seventies. Famous for their dazzling white teeth, white matching stage-suits and immaculate hair-styles, these days the best known of the Osmonds are Donny, Marie and Little Jimmy.
Ostrich - Usually not so much an ostrich as such (necks a little tricky for a costume!), but the ever popular ride-on variety popularised by Bernie Clifton in the 1980s.
Outlaw – The British tend to associate the term Outlaw with Robin Hood, the well known folk-hero. Elsewhere outlaws are usually associated with the Wild West, with names such as Billy the Kid, although a Pirate or major villain/villainess can be alternative choices.
Outlet & Plug – The Electrical outlet/socket and plug couple costumes are one of a series of paired outfits available on the market. Typically they are built from printed foam and hence are easy to wear, if a little unusual.
Owl – Because of its compact body-shape, the owl lends itself to a costume better than most birds. Aside from some superb large head mascot-style costumes, a number of more conventional outfits (including one for Hedwig, Harry Potters owl) are available on the market.
Oz – The devious wizard who tricks Dorothy, Lion, Scarecrow and Tin-man into disposing of the Wicked Witch of the West. A small, weedy man hiding behind a giant mask.
Ozymandias – One of the characters in the graphic novel and subsequent film Watchmen. Ozymandias (originally an alternate name for the Pharaoh Ramesses II ofEgypt in a poem by Percy B. Shelley) is the alter-ego of Adrian Veidt, supposedly the smartest man on the planet and one-time costumed vigilante. In the wake of the film, an outfit, based on his costume became available, although supplies may be limited by licensing restrictions.
Ozzy Osbourne – Musician who originally rose to fame as leading member of the heavy metal band Black Sabbath, but nowadays shares the celebrity spotlight with his wife/manager Sharon and two of their children Kelly and Jack. The classic Ozzy look is long black hair, round-rim glasses and black wear of any kind Black Sabbath t-shirts, jeans. A long black coat or cape may also enhance the look.