Indian - Ladies Costume

Indian Man Budget Costume

Girls Ladybird Costume

Gangster Man Costume

Blow Up Doll - Stag Night Accessory
Costume Ideas for Letter I
Ibiza Clubber – As Less is More in the Clubs of the Balearic Islands of Spain, almost anything lightweight, glitzy and good-looking should do. Costume may be supplemented with U-V make-up or body-paint.
Icarus – Character of Greek myth. In his enthusiasm to escape fromCrete on wings made by Daedalus his father, Icarus flew too near the sun and melted the wax holding the wings together. Hence, a Greek-style costume with broken wings (ex-angel?) may work.
Ice Cream Cone A foam-based novelty costume is available go as your ice-cream sundae best.
Ice Maiden/Queen – This character is open to interpretation, but the impression is silver and bluish-white, with white/ silver glitter hair/headdress, icicle fingernails and other such frozen touches. If time or ambition allows, a face design of `frost tattoos’ and cobwebs could also be effective.
Ice Skater – Victorian style or modern day. Although the ‘chocolate-box’ Victorian skaters have elegance, the modern skater outfit offers the opportunity for something sleek and colourful in stretch-knit or lycra, in differing colour-ways. The genuine article or in-line skates may be best carried rather than worn, unless, of course the theme is ice rink based!
Iceberg – Not the most practical costume suggestion, on bulk alone, but might arise in connection with a Titanic party. Best approach is semi-transparent material over a haphazard shaped base, perhaps with penguin or polar bear accessories.
Icon – The word Iconic may now have become a little over-used. An icon is analogous of the thing or period it represents e.g. a Rubic Cube for the Eighties, although some Icons have significance as objects of worship, so may also be an Idol.. Consider also Pop Icons (Elvis) and Fashion Icons (twiggy 1960s Dolly Bird).
Idol – Term now commonly associated with the Pop and Media world for those having sufficient celebrity and stardom, albeit for even a short time, to acquire a fan base and spawn imitations and wannabes. Obvious examples are Madonna, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, etc..
Igglepiggle – Large blue creature from the British pre-school childrens TV series In the Night Garden. He doesnt say much, tends to fall over backwards if hes surprised and usually leaves the Garden in a boat for which he uses the red blanket he often carries as a sail. If a costume is available, it will usually be in the mascot (overhead mask) format.
Igor – A stock character from classic horror movies in which the mad scientist has a social outcast henchman (a hunch-back, a dwarf or similar) who helps him bringing his experiments to fruition. For fans of the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett, an Igor is a highly knowledgeable scientific assistant who may also be a dab-hand at spare-part surgery.. A 2008 animated film featured one such Igor character and his attempts to win at an Evil Science Fair. The costume may derive from a Hunchback of Notre-Dame or other stock Grotesque character and feature a disfiguring make-up such as a drooping eye (according to taste).
Imperial Guard – Any guardsman associated with the guarding of an Emperor, so costume depends upon era and country. In movies, the term is most commonly associated with The Emperors Royal Guard in the `Star Wars’ films who are dressed in distinctive crimson robes and masked helmets.
Incredibles, The – A family of characters in an animated film (2004) in which superheroes come out of retirement to battle a mysterious foe.
Incredible Hulk, The – Marvel comic-book hero, brought to the Big Screen in 2003 & 2008. Official costumes exist but one can improvise with torn shirt and trousers. Green skin. Black wig or Frankenstein flat-top wig/headpiece.
Indian – a) Now more correctly now known as a`Native American’, one of the many tribes of original occupants of North America, prior to its `discovery’ and colonisation, by those from other countries. They are also usually portrayed as the enemy to be overcome in many a Western film.
b) A native of India. Costume can vary from Nehru suit through to a simple dhoti, or the elaborate saris and costumes associated with Bollywood.
Indian (Native American) Brave – Warrior wearing minimal clothing e.g.. breechclout and headdress, for reasons of heat and improved fighting capability. Traditionally wore war-paint on the face and body, and gained feathers in the headband (to build a `war-bonnet’), according to their exploits and bravery in battle.
Indian (Native American) Chief – Head of a tribe of Indians, usually wearing a full tailed war bonnet, as testament to his exploits in the field of battle, plus a suitably decorated buckskin or hide tunic and trousers.
Indian (Native American) Scout – Some Indians were skilled in hunting and tracking skills and were eventually used by both their own people and the white settlers. Best known scout is probably Tonto, the companion of the Lone Ranger.
Indian (Native American) Woman – Native Americans find the term squaw offensive. Costume in buckskin or hide, often decorated. Black hair in a single or double plait, plus a decorated headband, with a feather or two.
Indian (Asian) Maharajah - Regional ruler within India. Costume may comprise an elaborately decorated frock-coat or long jacket work with trousers in a bright colour. A turban completes the ensemble.
Indian (Asian) Viceroy – British representative inIndia during the Empire. Full dress uniform with a multitude of decorations and medals. Plumed pith-helmet-style hat. May also carry (or wear) an ornamental sword.
Indian (Asian) woman (sari) – A proper sari may be expensive, hard to come by, or difficult to wrap correctly without expert help! Decorated tunic and trousers may be an alternative. Costume may be enhanced with henna-style hand decoration.
Indiana Jones – Explorer, archaeologist and action-hero character from the films `Raiders of the Lost Ark’, `Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’, `Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull starring Harrison Ford in the title role. Costume typically consists of safari shirt, fedora hat, bull-whip and optional brown leather jacket.
Inflatable doll Somewhat disconcerting costume, available in male and female versions
Insect Costume Choose from Butterflies, Bumble Bees, Ladybirds and dragonfly costumes. Costumes are easily available to purchase. There are also a large selection of different style wings with which you can develop your own look.
Inspector you could use any Detective / policeman style costume
Inspector ClouseauCharacter from the `Pink Panther’ films, usually played by Peter Sellers but more recently by Steve Martin. Beige trench-coat and headwear. Cartoon version carries a magnifying-glass.
Inspector Gadget – Cartoon character known for having a wide range of improbable gizmos and gadgets concealed about his person to aid in his crime-fighting. Ostensibly, he wears a trilby and overcoat, but much more lies beneath!
Intergalactic Being – Many sci-fi and space series have their own generic aliens and species the Klingons, Romulans, etc from Star Trek, the Narns, the Minbari and Drazi fromBabylon 5 and so on. The Intergalactic Being concept enables you to create your own being, using whatever props and costumes come to hand, although many find that a radical change of skin and hair colour can be sufficient (such as in the Navi of Pandora in Avatar, for which costumes are now available).
Inuit – The more correct name for the inhabitants (often called Eskimos) of Northern Canada and the Arctic regions.
Invisible Man – Anti-hero of a novel by HG Wells. Bandages (in crepe paper or tissue, not fabric) around head and hands (or use gloves). Dark glasses, hat, suit.
Irish Leprechaun – A popular costume, especially around 15th March, St Patricks Day. The outfit usually involves a hat, jacket and breeches in shades of green with shamrock symbols or motifs built into the design. Typical the male may also have a red beard and carry a crock of gold. Female leprechaun costumes in the short n sexy style may also be found on the market.
Irish Dancer – Irish dancing reached a wider audience and gained popularity when a Riverdance piece was performed for an international audience during the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest. Aside from the precision of the choreography, the costumes elaborately decorated skirts and dresses for females, coloured shirts and black trousers for males add to the visual spectacle.
Iron Man – Alter-ego of wealthy industrialist Tony Stark in the Marvel comic (and films) of the same name. An official costume exists.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel – Famous British engineer and builder in Victorian times. Frocksuit, `stovepjpe’ (or standard `top’) hat, ‘mutton-chop’ sideburns, plus a large cigar.
Italian – One can choose any number of famous Italians through History from Leonardo de Vinci and Lucrezia Borgia to generic Italians such as a Venetian gondolier.
Italian Mafia- Dress up in a gangster costume.
Italian Army Officer – Obviously Italian army uniforms have varied through the ages. However the Italian Army Officer is probably best known these days through the egotistical character from the British comedy series ‘Allo, ‘Allo, who fancies himself as a ladies’ man. Costume involves uniform in a grey/greenish hue, decorations and an elaborate feathered bi-corn military hat.
Ivy – A derived costume from the Poison Ivy costume used for the Batman villainess. Poison Ivy typically has various hair-styles, but usually in auburn or red, whereas an Ivy outfit can substitute a green wig and green skin colour and/or ivy markings for an earthier look. The costume may also be used in a Christmas context as a partner to a Miss Holly.