Roman Emperor Kids Costume

Egyptian Girls Costume

Egyptian Boys Costume

Bathing Belle Ladies Costume

Bathing Man 20s Costume

Miss Scissorhands Ladies Costume

Bunny Girl Kit

Elf Ladies Christmas Outfit
Costume Ideas for Letter E
Celebrity masks beginning with E include:
- Elvis
Eagle – This large bird is very distinctive. It is also the emblem of the United States of America. It was chosen as this in 1782, because of its majestic look, great strength and long life. This costume is more of a specialist costume and as such maybe somewhat harder to find however it would be a great costume to wear if done properly.
Easter Bunny - The Easter bunny is an old time American tradition. Bunny/rabbit mascot costumes can be available to hire or to buy, you could accessorize with a basket and eggs to complete the outfit. The bunny outfit could come in different colours such as grey and pink, white and brown. You can also purchase an overhead rabbit mask, or a face bob. A face bob is a headband with attached rabbit ears and nose. These are really comfortable to wear and do not impede your eyesight at all.
Another old time favourite is a sexy bunny girl outfit which became famous in the 1960/70s with the help of Hugh Hefner and the Playboy girls, and later when Bridget Jones’s Diary premired in 2001 They are now making a comeback with the return of the Playboy Club., The basis for this outfit is simply a black all-in-one swimsuit, with additional collar and cuffs and a set of bunny ears and tail. To make it an ‘Easter bunny’ just carry an Easter egg, or a basket of Cadbury’s Cream Eggs.
Easter Chick - Mascot costumes are available to hire and to buy you could have either a yellow or white chick with an egg in one hand. A cheaper option could be made up with simply using face paint and yellow clothing with a bit of yellow marabou or boa for a feather tail. You can also purchase an overhead chicken mask, or a face bob. A face bob is a headband with attached nose beak. These are really comfortable to wear and do not impede your eyesight at all.
The Easter chick and bunny could be used at a couples themed fancy dress party.
Edina - The uncontrollable chain smoking character, from ‘Absolutely Fabulous or Ab-Fab as it is also known, TV series, which first aired in 1992.Edina was played by Jennifer Saunders in a wide range of loud, clashing and mismatched outfits. Edinas clothing was mainly based in the 1960’s hippy fashion and usually two sizes too small! To complement the clothes would be some tasteless chunky jewellery. Edina’s hair was brown and curly with a fringe.
Edmund Blackadder – This character was the star of the Blackadder series, and actually spawned several different time periods as each series of the television show was set in a different era. Series 1 was set in 1485 alongside King Richard III and King Richard the IV. Series 2 was set between 1558 and 1603 alongside Queen Elizabeth I. Series 3 featured the late 18th and early 19th century with the Prince of Wales. Series 4 was set during the First World War.
As this character spanned so many time periods you can use many different costumes from Medieval, Elizabethan or a British Soldier.
Edna Everidge, Dame - Popular Australian celebrity character, played by comedian Barry Humphries, noted for her large winged specs, outrageous dresses and a love of gladioli.
Edward “Ned” Kelly (3rd June 1854- 11th November 1880) - Ned Kelly the infamous Australian criminal from the 18th century, some folk praised him as a hero and a latter day Robin Hood, others, a dirty thieving criminal and murderer. His outfits consisted of a home-made suit of steel armour and poor or old western costumes. Ned Kelly was hanged in 1880.
Edward The First (1239-1307) - Noted King of England who reigned from 1272, famous for conquering most of Wales and almostScotland, until his unfortunate death in 1307. A medieval king costume would be suitable and a knight costume.
Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) – Known as The Black Prince for his black suit of armour, Edward commanded the right wing of the army at the battle of Crecy. Any high quality Medieval costume plus appropriate tabard will be suitable.
Edward Scissorhands - A surprisingly popular costume. The film was released in 1990 with Johnny Depp playing Edward, The character was created in a Frankenstein-styled tale in which before he could be finished, the inventor passed away and so Edward is left with scissors for hands.
This costume is based upon a black leatherette-style jumpsuit, with many buckles and catches on it, a crazy styled black wig and, of course, scissors for hands. It is, however, possible to wear a shirt and brown trousers with suspenders as he does wear this outfit quite a bit during the film as well. An official Edward costume exists, as does a sexy version for females, (if thats not a contradiction!)
Edwardian Style
Edwardian Bather – The female bathers are more commonly known as Bathing Belles. They would wear a top and baggy pantaloons with a mop cap, and the men wore all-in-one knee-length suits which could consist of different designs, but most commonly a striped pattern. An Edwardian bathers costume would be made out of wool or similar fabrics.
Edwardian Female and Male – Edwardian outfits are available to hire and to buy and are popular all year round, especially for masquerade balls.
A simple outfit for an Edwardian man could be a long frock coat with either a bowtie or cravat to accompany a white shirt and plus fours or black trousers. To make it easier a dinner suit would be appropriate.
An hour glass figure was the main criteria for the Edwardian female. Outfits generally consisted of lace and high collars. A tightly laced corset would have been used. The collars were high during the day and lowered for evening wear. To accessorize an outfit you could add a choker, necklace or brooch, plus lace gloves. Hair would have been piled high, with hairpieces added to voluminous it, and feathers & flowers inserted.
Edwardian Teagown – These dresses were used during Edwardian times for at home comfort. They consisted of full sleeved, full length dresses usually made of quality fabric and lace.
Egg – An egg costume as such may be a little hard to find. Alternatives are a Humpty-Dumpty outfit (the egg-based character of Nursery Rhyme and Alice through the Looking-Glass fame) or a mascot costume of a chick emerging from an egg.
Egyptian Gods – Some Egyptian Gods had human and/or animal features. For example Anubis had the body of a man, head of a dog or jackal. Sekhmet and Bast were cat deities. Animal heads and headdresses would show hierarchy of position among the Gods.
Egyptian Man and Woman – For both sexes the costume depends on status within the community. Faced with an Egyptian theme, most people will choose royalty such as Cleopatra, Nefertiti or the Pharoahs.
Slave men a tunic or robe would be appropriate. Slaves would generally wear the bare minimum.
Costumes can be accessorised with black wigs (as Egyptians used to shave off their hair and wore wigs) armbands, collars & belts. Blue/gold are popular colours.
Einstein – Possibly the most famous scientist of recent times, known for his Theory of Relativity. Character is best portrayed either using an overhead mask or an Einstein or mad doctor wig.
Elastigirl (The Incredibles) - The mother of the family of superheroes forced out of hiding by the actions of the villainous Syndrome, in the 2004 Pixar film.
Elder - Dress up as an older person.
Elder Flower – Use a flower costume and attach a false beard.
Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1204) – Queen of bothEngland andFrance. She was married to Louis VII, however she had this marriage annulled in 1152, and later married Henry Plantaganet who became Henry II in 1154. Well known for leading armies in the Second Crusade dressed as Amazonian-style warriors.
Elephant – Large grey animal of African or Indian origin. One person elephant costumes do exist.
Elf - Usually associated with doing the good deeds and construction of toys for Santa Claus, this costume idea could also be used for a shoe makers assistant. Traditional design for this costume would generally be a hat (sometimes with bells), a long, plain top with an attached contrasting collar and tights, plus pointed shoes. Green & red is the normal colour scheme, unless you are looking at a homage to Will Ferrell in the 2003 film Elf, which was green & yellow.
Elizabeth I (1533-1603) – Well know Queen of England, She ruled for many decades and was known for many different things. She always refused to marry but did however have a close relationship with Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. For this costume you should use a very extravagant gown, with a jewelled lace collar and pearls. Also a reddish, short-curled wig and whitened face can make this costume look more accurate. If you really wanted to go all out, you could also get a lace ruff to go around the neck.
Elmer Fudd Fictional cartoon character and arch enemy of Bugs Bunny. He wears a brown hunting suit and matching cap. Ideally you also need to carry the representation of a hunting rifle (to kill the Wascally Wabbit)
Elmo A distinctive Sesame Street character red with large eyes. An official costume exists, as does a more skimpy and minimalist version for females
Elphaba - Elphaba is another name for the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz, She is the ‘star’ of the spin-off book and musical ‘Wicked’. This costume mainly consists of a dark gown with the traditional pointed hat, so is a fairly safe bet at a Halloween party as it is not far off a standard witch, the main difference being her green skin.
Elton John - Elton John is a well-known musician with a long, and on-going career. During his time in show-business he has worn a number of interesting costumes, many featuring elaborate spectacles, which make any costume based on him a lot more recognisable. An overhead mask exists for this personality.. .
Elvira Mistress of the Dark. A TV & film personality, better known in the US than here in the UK, Rather like a sexier (and better endowed) version of Morticia, she wears a black dress that enhances the bust area and is armed with a small dagger. Her look is Gothic, incorporating a black swept-back beehive hair-style.
Elvis Presley - The king of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Elvis was producing music for many years and in that time came out with many great songs. During his career he also had many iconic looks, the most famous and recognised one being the Vegas-style white rhinestone-decorated jumpsuit. Other looks he used were Rock ‘n’ Roll Elvis the Pelvis look and G.I uniforms.
Elvis also featured in a great number of films in which he took on different professional roles such as a Mechanic – Viva Las Vegas, a Boxer – Kid Galahad and a Nightclub singer – King Creole.
Because of this, there is a great variety of costumes you can use for Elvis Presley, even if they might need some explaining to those less knowledgeable. Other variations such as the Lord of the Rings/Middle Earth Elfish Presley Return of the King and Santas Little Elvis may also be a little too off-the-wall for some.
Emily, the Bride- Heroine of Tim Burtons animated feature The Corpse Bride, Emily was murdered on the eve of her marriage and ends up accidentally married to Victor, who is unfortunately betrothed to another girl. An official costume exists.
Eminem Popular pop/rap star of the Noughties. He has used various costumes in his videos, but originally the most requested look was dungarees and a chainsaw!
Emo Black hair, black clothes, dark eye make-up, Doc Martin Boots.
Emperor One has a choice between the Emperors of Rome and those of China. The Roman emperors are probably more easy to improvise and accesorise eg a fiddle or harp for Nero.
Emperor Palpatine Major player in the battle between Good (The Jedi) and Evil (the Sith) in the Star Wars film series. Official costume (red robes) and mask are available.
Emu – Aside from a Rod Hull & Emu outfit which has recent arrived on the market, , there are a number of costumes for Emu’s which tend to be of the ‘ride on’ variety, These costumes tend to be brightly coloured and lacking in seriousness, but they still go down well, provided there is enough space at your venue!
Enchantra - A female Fantasy Enchantress, again this costume can cover a large variety of different parties and as it’s a fantasy costume there is not a set look you need to have, this costume would mainly just involve a long robe (or short if you are going after the sexier look), preferably in a darker colour. Other costumes that could match well with an Enchantra would simply be costumes like a Sorceress, Warlock or a Wizard.
Englishman/woman As there no official English National costume (aside from a Morris Man), one might use St George merchandise and face-paint to depict this character. Although the John Bull or Union Jack Spice Girl Dress are possibilities, technically they are British rather than English. An alternative might be an England morphsuit in the traditional St George colours.
Ernie – Popular character from the childrens TV Sesame Street show. There are official mascot-style outfits for both him and his partner Bert. Alternatively, Ernie, the fastest milkman in the west!
Eskimo – A great costume for those cold winter nights, where being wrapped up and keeping cosy is important.
Esmerelda – This character was the Gypsy Heroine from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. This costume can be very well matched with Quasimodo who is the Hunchbacked hero. This costume is very simple to do as it can simply be a white top, a long skirt and a bright pinafore.
ET: The Extraterrestrial – Although the film has been around for many years, it is only recently hat an official ET outfit has been released. It is based on an ET mask built into a red hooded top and also features hands, one with glowing red finger-tip to replicate the effect seen in the movie.
Eve – Eve, known as the first women on the planet created by God to go with Adam. In some religions she is actually known as the second wife of Adam (the first being Lillith, who sided with the Devil), but there is little proof to back this up. A simple idea and a simple costume, this outfit would be a flesh coloured body suit with fig leaves strategically placed over certain parts of the body. Could also hold an apple and/or snake to add a final touch to the costume.
Evil Queen – Again this costume idea covers a number of characters as opposed to just one. Examples of Evil queens could be the Queen in Snow White, also the Snow Queen from the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale or The Queen of Hearts from the recent Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland..
The style used for these outfits tends to be a long, flowing dress thats extravagant in style and look to make the wearer look somewhat imposing. Depending on which Evil Queen you dressed as you could choose from a wide selection of different colours and looks.
Exotic Butterfly- Not from any book or film specifically, this can be done as a costume quite easily due to being a simple costume with usually large, colourful wings. There is not any set look you need to follow to create a butterfly costume, generally wings in most colours are available though.