Barrister Wig

Batman - The Dark Knight Costume Muscle

Baby Sleepsuit ( Blue)

Biggles Helmet Rubber

Batgirl Costume Ladies

Banana - Budget Version

Indian - Ladies Costume

Saloon Girl Purple
Costume Ideas For The Letter B
Barbarella -Heroine of the cult 1968 film of the same name. The films actual costumes were very revealing with see through bodices and very short skirts made from green plastic squares. To get the look, a white or silver cat-suit, heeled boots and full blonde hair will help.
Barbie – Doll character associated with the colour pink. There are so many doll variations that you could make up your own costume. A licensed costume of ‘Barbie’ is due but surprisingly, the dress is not pink (see image right). A long blonde wig is a must.
Barney - Purple dinosaur from the popular kids television series. A licensed version is not available at the moment.
Barney Rubble – Friend of Fred Flintstone. Barney has blonde hair and a fur tunic. Licensed versions of the costume are available to purchase.
Baron – In most British Pantomimes you will see a ‘Baron’ character. the Baron normally wears Medieval or Georgian costume of the higher ranks.
Baron Samedi – Voodoo Lord of The Dead, also a character in the James Bond film ‘Live & Let Die’. Wear a top hat, tail suit, cane and skull make up. One costume on the market ‘Grave Groom‘ has been very useful for this character
Bad Fairy - Bad fairy costumes are becoming more and more popular. Many styles are available to buy or you can buy black wings and wands to make up your own outfit very easily.
Barrister – Barrister wigs are available to purchase and you could wear it with a teachers gown (also available to buy) and a smart suit. Glasses may add to the ‘intellectual’ image.
Bart Simpson – From the ever popular ‘The Simpsons’ television series. Bart costumes are available to buy or masks just add red t-shirt, blue shorts and socks to complete the look.
Bat – Difficult costume to do although a bat headpiece is available to purchase, maybe wear it with a black cat-suit.
Batman – The original caped crusader was a comic book and television series hero. The original costume was light grey with a black cape. Licensed versions are available to buy. In later films, Batman develops into a darker character. The costume is all black and licensed versions are available to purchase as well.
Baby – Available in pink and blue to buy. Baby kits are also available on the market and usually include an oversized nappy and nappy pin. Large dummies are also available to buy.
Banana Man – Cartoon superhero of the popular television series. Official costume is available to purchase.
Banana – A top favourite costume. A fun, foamed costume is available to buy.
Ballet Dancer – Leotard, tutu, tights and ballet shoes required for this costume. Men just need to wear tights & a leotard or bodysuit – not for the feint hearted!
Ballroom Dancer – You will need a flowing long gown for this or a short sequinned or tasselled latin dress. Hair should be very dressed and make up extremely heavy – a fixed smile must be in place all the time! Men can get away with wearing either a standard tail suit or a 70’s style jumpsuit.
Baldrick – Long suffering Baldrick from The Blackadder television series. Depending on the series, Baldrick could wear a medieval peasant or Regency costume or a World War I uniform.
Bandit – Normally depicted as a Mexican, a Zorro or Highwayman style costume could also suffice for this costume.
Bank Robber – an easy costume to put together. You just need a pair of tights over your head and normal clothing. A replica gun would complete this costume but be careful that you only put it on just before going into the party or the police may want to talk to you!
Bavarian Man – Costume from the southern region of Germany. Wear lederhosen, shirt, long socks and a hat. Costumes are normally only available to hire.
Bavarian Lady – Often called a Heidi style. Costume comprises of a short dress with headscarf.
Bear – You have many choices for this. Many hire shops will have mascot style bear costumes but these may be hot to wear all night. Bear face bops are available to buy and you would need to wear brown top and trousers
Bloody Costume Selection -Bloody costumes are very popular even though they are very gory!
Bloody Surgeon - You can take white jacket and spray it with theatrical blood or, you can buy a complete costume.*Top tip for putting theatrical blood on a costume to make it look more realistic*.Put blood on your hands and then wipe them down both sides of the front of the jacket, it will give you a realistic looking bloody hand print, that is smudged.
Bloody Surgeon - You will need to purchase this costume or a standard surgeon’s costume and then spray fake blood on it.
Bloody Bride - You can easily do your own version of this costume. Just take a light coloured dress that you are willing to ruin (fake blood does stain light fabrics) and spray with theatrical blood. Blood can also be put into a light wig for a complete gory effect.
Beauty or Belle – From Disney’s Beauty & The Beast. Costume is normally shown as a yellow rouched dress and brown hair.
Beast – From Disney’s Beauty & The Beast. Costume is harder to obtain, although you could use a Georgian costume with a wolf mask, or just some theatrical hair to give an animal impression around the hairline and on the hands.
Bumble Bee – This is an extremely popular costume both online and in the shop. Bee wings and kits are available so it is possible to make up your own costume.
Bellboy / Buttons – Found in the Cinderella pantomime. Costume consists of an ornate short jacket, trousers and a pill box style hat.
Beefeater- The Yeoman guard and keepers of The Tower Of London, named beefeaters by the Duke of Tuscany in 1669. Traditional costume is red with ornate gold, or black decoration, an insignia and a black, flat hat. You will probably need to hire this costume.
Ben Hur- Hero of Roman times. Any Roman Centurion costume will be suitable.
Benedictine Monk – Standard monk costume will be suitable.
Benjamin Disraeli – Prime Minister during Queen Victoria’s reign – any formal Victorian costume will suffice for this character.
Betty Rubble- Barney’s wife and friend of Wilma Flintstone. She wears a blue halter-neck dress with black, flick out hair and a blue headband.
Belly Dancer – Many costumes are available on the market, some more revealing than others!
Beetlejuice – Anti-hero of Tim Burton’s film of the same name. You will need a black and white striped suit with mad grey hair and pale face to create this character.
Beatles (The)- Band formed in 1960. costumes are available on the market to buy and makes a great group costume for 4 men. ‘Pudding Bowl’ wigs and round glasses are also available. You can also use a hippy style costume, especially for John Lennon.
Big Bad Wolf – Wolf masks are available to buy. There is also a great costume that you can buy comprising of a ladies dress, wolf head, hands and feet, it is called Granny Wolf.
Big Cats - Face bops are available for lion, leopard and tiger. Costumes will be available to hire from fancy dress shops.
Big Ears – Friend of , created by Enid Blyton. Big ears wears a red and white stripped top, blue jacket, red hat, yellow scarf and green trousers. he also has very large ears!
Biker/Biker Chick – you will need a black leather looking jacket and trousers, if possible. Body piercings, motorcycle helmet and tattoos will complete the look.
Bill – Companion to Bill (the flowerpot men) first seen in The Watch With Mother television series. You can make up a flowerpot costume, although it can be tricky (believe me, I speak from experience!) so it is probably best to hire this outfit.
Ben – As Bill, above
Big Game Hunter – Safari suit, pithe helmet and a huge handlebar moustache and fake rifle will complete this look.
Black Cat – Standard black cat costume will suffice or you can make up your own costume with the many cat accessories on the market to purchase.
Biggles – Leather flying jacket, jodhpurs and flying helmet will help to create this character. You will also need a white scarf and handlebar moustache.
Bird Costumes
Recently the amount of ‘novelty’ costumes available to purchase has increased tremendously. It was not that long ago that if you needed to wear a bird costume, you would have to hire. The hire option is still there but you now have the opportunity to purchase as well.
Bird costumes are available in the following species:
- Parrot
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Peacock
- Penguin
Face Bops – Face bops come in a range of animals and birds. They are a mask on a headband but have been cleverly designed so that you can see and speak and even eat with them on. Just wear the correct coloured clothing and you have a very simple bird costume.
Face Bops come in the following bird designs:
- Rooster
- Owl
- Chicken
- Duck
- Parrot
Some hats are also available in bird designs:
- Emu
- Chicken
- Turkey
Just wear the correct coloured clothing and you have a very simple bird costume.
Birdman of Alcatraz -Robert Franklin Stroud was sentenced to life in solitary confinement. His story was brought to life by Burt Lancaster in the film of the same name. Wear a standard convict uniform and some bird seed.
Beer Girl – A costume that is available from Autumn 2008. The costume is designed to look like a superhero costume, the wearer coming to the rescue of the poor men who are desperate for a beer!
Beer Bottle – This is a fun, novelty foam costume that has proved very popular. Also available is a beer keg.
Billy Bunter – The rather rotund schoolboy made famous in books and television series during the 1950s. Wear a schoolboy uniform with some padding around the middle.
Bishop – Many variations are available to purchase.
Black & White Movie Star – ladies should go for the waif/damsel in distress look (use 1920s & 1930s costumes). Men have the choice of Charlie Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy etc…
Black Knight – Villain of many a medieval tale.
Black Adder – Played by Rowan Atkinson during various historical eras. You can use a Medieval, Tudor, Georgian and World War I. Couple with Baldrick or ‘Bob’ who was a lady pretending to be a boy.
Blofeld – Villain of the James Bond films. Costume is primarily a grey, Nehru style suit, bald head and facial scar. He holds his little finger to his mouth.
Blues Brothers – Black suits, white shirt and black tie. Dark glasses and a ‘pork pie’ hat complete the look. Made popular in the 1980 film of the same name.
Bo Peep – Nursery rhyme character who lost her sheep. Georgian or Victorian style dress and bonnet and crook are ideal. Sexy version is available to purchase.
Bollywood Star – A great choice for this themed party, the costumes are colourful and elaborate. Costumes are available to hire for men and women.
Bob the Builder – You will need to improvise as there is not an official costume that can be purchased.
Boadicea – 1st century warrior queen. Fought against Roman invaders before finally committing suicide. Use an ancient Britain costume with a breastplate and crown.
Bonnie Parker – Female half of the notorious ‘Bonnie & Clyde’ 1930’s bank robbers. Wear a long skirt, jacket and a beret for the correct look
Bonnie Prince Charlie – Scottish hero, famous for his rebellion against the English. Escaped dressed as a washer woman. Use a wench costume or a Georgian style costume.
Brave – Native American Indian costume.
Boxer – Sexy version is available to purchase. Boxing gloves can be bought separately and can be added to a pair of plain shorts to get the look.
Boy George – 1980s pop star. Wear long white tunic and trousers with a black waistcoat. large hat with black plaits. Face heavily made up.
Braveheart – The story of William Wallace, 13th century Scottish leader. Although coloured tartan would not have been worn in those days, it would be difficult to get a kilt not made in some form of tartan. Add a scruffy wig and paint your face with the Scottish flag.
Bride – You can wear a traditional bride’s dress, complete with veil and bouquet, or, add some blood and fangs and you can become Bride of Dracula (Frankenstein/Death etc…)
Bordello Lady – Often seen in Western style films. Use a saloon girl for this character. Add some fishnets.
Britannia - Costume usually comprises of white robe, with a Roman style helmet, trident and a Union Jack Shield.
Britney Spears – Probably easiest to wear a schoolgirl costume from the video for the song ‘Hit Me Baby One more Time’ . Wear hair in plaits.
Buccaneer – Classic pirate style costume as worn by Errol Flynn and Johnny Depp. Suitable for ladies too! Many costumes are available following the popularity of Pirates of The Caribbean.
Bucks Fizz – Pop group of the 1980s and winners of The Eurovision Song Contest. Costumes are available to hire and make a great idea for a group of 4 adults.
Buddha – Founder of Buddhism. A new costume is available to purchase.
Buddy Holly (1936 – 1959). Legendary pop star of the 1950s, killed in a plane crash. A 50s style jacket is available to purchase, as are the trademark black ‘national Health’ glasses.
Buffalo Bill – Gained his name after killing buffalo to supply railway workers with meat. Famous for his ‘Buffalo Bill Show’. Costume consists of buckskin trousers and tunic. A standard cowboy outfit would suffice.
Bugs Bunny – Cartoon character first seen in 1940. An official costume is available.
Bunny (Rabbit) – Face bops are available to buy and costumes are available to hire.
Bunny Girl – Introduced by Playboy in 1962 and also worn in Bridget Jones diary more recently. Kits are available to make up this costume, or costumes can be hired.
Burglar Bill – Wear a black and white stripped top, black trousers, black eye mask and a black sack with ‘SWAG’ on it.
Butler – Wear a smart suit (or tail suit) and carry a silver tray in one hand and a towel over your arm. Keep a haughty expression.
Butterfly – Wings are available to purchase if you want to create your own but costumes can be purchased.
Buttons - Character in Cinderella. Buttons normally wears a short ornate jacket, trousers and pillbox hat.
Buzz Lightyear. Hero seen in Toy Story 1 & 2. An official costume is available to purchase.
Betty Boop animated cartoon created by Max Fleischer. Wear a tight red dress, 1920s black hairstyle, bright red lipstick. First appearance 1930
Bat Girl Batmans sexy sidekick. Licensed costumes are available to purchase
Baby - Aside from using an Instant Baby Kit (Bonnet, Giant Safety Pin and Inflatable Bottle) plus ‘nappy’, there are several ‘Baby-grow’-style suits on the market.
Baby Doll - One of the five feisty female from the 2011 film ‘Sucker Punch’. A costume is available.
Bjorn Borg Tennis player. Wear tennis whites, blond long wig and headband
Bobby slang for policeman. We stock a good range of policeman, and women hats and accessories
Borat The mankini if you dare!
Burlesque Lady This range is getting more extensive. Costumes tend to be short at the front, with either a longer rear skirt, or frills. Wear a saloon girl costume, take a look at our Burlesque range
Beckhams Why not go as a Posh couple? Look at our range of celebrity masks for an easy option
British use your imagination Take a look at our Union Jack range.
Blue Gnome Smurf Costume
Bugsy Malone Wear a standard gangsters costume. An easy costume to put together at home. We stock a large range of Gangster accessories to add to black trousers and a shirt to create a cost effective costume.
Blair (Tony) Overhead masks available
Bush President of the USA Overhead masks available
Bumblebee Character from Transformers
Big Bird from Sesame Street
Billy Elliot half boxer, half ballerina
Birds Nest for those with loads of hair!
Bob Marley Rasta dreads, wacky weed and a giant fake spliff
Box just cut a hole in the bottom and the top of a large box how easy is that?
Baseball Player
Bella Main character from Twilight series.
Bengal Tiger Wear either a full tiger costume, or why not one of our animal overhead masks or face bobs?
Black Swan Main costume from the film of the same name. Wear a black ballerina costume, or a black tutu with black feather wings.
Body Builder an easy costume if you like working out in the gym. If not, muscle chests are available as are full muscle torsos.