Girls Ladybird Costume

Face Bops With Lamb Noise

Knight - Adult Costume

Rumba | Spanish Man Adult Costume

1960's Pop Star Costume

Pirate Caribbean Captain
Costume Ideas for Letter L
L Personalities – There are a number of overhead masks and photo-style cardboard masks which may enable you to impersonate celebrities. Some of these may be featured in the list but for others there may be no set costumes and outfits. These celebs include:
- Lady Gaga
- Frank Lampard
- Keith Lemon
- Liam Gallagher
- Lily Allen
- Jennifer Lopez
- Louis Walsh
Laa-laa – One of the four Teletubbies from the BBC Childrens TV series. Laa-laa is coloured yellow with a curly antenna on her head.
Lady Beefeater - Traditionally, this was a male orientated role. Beefeaters guard The Tower of London, although, they are mainly ceremonial and more used to guide tourists around the famous site. Lady Beefeater’s would wears a tunic-style costume in red & gold or black & gold, with a decorated hat.
Lady Bracknell - The most memorable character from Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’. Lady Bracknell is first and foremost a symbol of Victorian earnestness. Wear a long dress with a high collar, white decorated blouse, large hat and parasol.
Lady Brimstone - Aka The Devil’s Consort, a costume consists of a red short or long dress, belt and collar.
Lady Caroline Lamb - A novelist and British aristocrat, wife of William Lamb. Best known for her tempestuous love affair with Lord Byron in 1812.
Lady Emma Hamilton - Best remembered as the mistress of Lord Nelson.
Lady Gaga - Multitalented but somewhat eccentric contemporary pop star. Aside from the mask (above) various official outfits, wigs and accessories exist.
Lady Guinevere Queen consort of King Arthur. Wear Medieval costume
Lady Godiva - Wife of Leofric, Earl ofMercia. Well known for riding naked on a horse throughCoventry in 1040. Costume is therefore minimalist, use a flesh coloured body-stocking and long blond wig.
Lady Luck - Fictional character used to represent luck being on your side. Costume is open to interpretation, use symbols of luck such as horseshoes and shamrocks. Elements of gambling such as dice and cards can also be incorporated.
Lady Macbeth - Wife of Macbeth and accessory to the murder ofDuncan the King of Scotland- events portrayed in Shakespeare’s play. After being ridden with guilt, she experiences nightmares that cause her to sleep walk and constantly wash and scrub the blood from her stained hands. An ideal costume would be a long nightdress with fake blood on the hands.
Lady of Shallot - A pretty young Maiden who in Arthurian legend, died of a broken heart after her love for Sir Lancelot was not reciprocated. A painting from the pre-Raphaelite period depicts Lady Shallot in a white, floaty medieval dress with long hair and headband.
Lady of the Lake - Related character who play integral parts in the Arthurian legend. Different writers give her names such as Nimue, Viviane and Nyneve. Her costume is based on blue, green and silver flowing fabrics.
Lady of the Lamp - Also known as Florence Nightingale, the pioneer for modern nursing. Famed for carrying an oil lantern on night rounds, the look consists of a long dark dress with apron and nurses headdress. A lantern will be an essential accessory for this character but may be difficult to obtain.
Lady Pimpernel - Wife of fictional character Sir Percy Blakeney, also known as the Scarlet Pimpernel. An Ideal costume would be one suited to a lady during the French Revolution or a female version of the Pimpernel himself.
Lady Pirate - Typically recognised as being a male dominated environment, female pirates did exist! Possible role models may be Geena Davis as ‘Morgan’ in Cut-throat Island, Keira Knightly (Elizabeth Swan) or Penelope Cruz (Angelica Teach) in Pirates of theCaribbean. Costumes are generally open to interpretation, with plenty to hire and purchase.
Lady Sailor - In the days before women were permitted to join the navy, many females became stowaways or disguised themselves as men in order to be with their sweethearts.
Lady Viola - Gwyneth Paltrow’s character in ‘Shakespeare in Love’. Two possible costume ideas would be a Medieval dress with long blond wig, or a male equivalent of that time to represent the male role she played to become part of Will Shakespeare’s theatre group.
Lady Bird or Lady Bug - Red and black spotty Insect frequently used in childrens stories, nursery rhymes and films. Costumes available to buy include short dresses with tutu skirts and wings, or basque, tutu, red stockings with black spots.
Lamb - Not a common ready-made costume but can be easy to create with white fluffy top and trousers with black gloves and socks as hooves. Some headbands are available with ears and nose attached called ‘Head bops’.
Lamplighter- An occupation from Victorian times where someones duty was to light the gas lamps in the street at dusk. A poor Victorian costume will be suitable for this character.
Lancelot – One of the knights of the ‘Round Table’. He is considered to be one of the greatest and most trusted of King Arthur’s knights. A ‘chain mail’ fabric tunic, black trousers and hood or helmet are suitable for this costume. Accessories such as swords and armour can complete your outfit.
Land Army – During World War II the British government established The Womens Land Army to do agricultural work in the absence of men who had been called up. Their work was hard and dirty. A typical costume would be khaki breeches/dungarees, blouse, headscarf and wellies.
Lap Dancer - Reputedly a popular profession or pastime for some, and with a wide range of dance and short/sexy outfits on the market, costuming should not be a problem.
LAPD Motorcycle Cop - Best known from the TV series ‘Chips’ as well as a member of the group Village People. A black shirt, trousers and a few accessories can easily make up this costume.
Lara Croft – Angelina Jolie brought this character to life in the Tomb Raider films. Lara is known to wear a green or black tight fitted top with black shorts and black boots. A small back-pack may also feature. Twin gun holsters and a long dark plaited wig can also be bought to help with the look.
Leonardo Di Caprio Look at his films for inspiration from The Beach to Titanic
Lance Armstrong Disgraced Tour de France winner
Las Vegas Showgirl - The essence of the showgirl is glitz and glamour – a skimpy costume worn with a large headdress and a dazzling smile. In practice the outfits are usually well-crafted and designed to work with the wearer to create a stunning impression.
Latin American Dancer – Latin Dances were created and embraced into Latin culture as early as 1791. Enthusiasm for such dances has been revived by programmes such as Strictly Come Dancing and because of their dancercise potential
There are a number of Latin dances, and each has its own costume:
- Mambo – short elaborate dress
- Salsa – long slim fitting dress
- Rumba – long dress with layers/frills of colourful material
- Flamenco – long dress flowing bouncy dress
- Samba – elaborate bikinis, big headdresses, lots of feathers and jewels
Laughing Policeman - Popular record often featured on the Childrens Favourites radio programme of the 1950s/60s. This costume can be recreated by using a ‘Jolly-Wobbly’ police outfit.
Lawrence of Arabia – A 1962 epic film based on the life of T.E Lawrence. The film picturesLawrence inArabia during WW1, his emotional struggles with violence in war and the conflicts between Arab tribes and the death of the Turkish Army. The costume would consist of a long white robe and headdress/turban.
Learner The L plates are the key, but the learner in question can be anything from a bride or groom to be to a novice at a new job or skill Learner Driver is a little difficult to do without props!
Lederhosen Male – Classic bib and leather shorts look, white t-shirt, long socks and ankle boots. To complete the ensemble use a brown or green hat with a small feather.
Leelo - A character from the sci-fi film ‘The Fifth Element’. Wear a white jumpsuit with silver belt and an orange wig.
Legolas - One of nine members of the Fellowship in ‘Lord of the Rings’. Costume consists of a brown/green tunic or jerkin, dark trousers or tights and a long blonde wig. Legolas is also known to be equipped with a bow and arrow.
Leia, Princess - Leading character and one of the few major females in the Star Wars series. Seen in the original films (Now episodes 4 – 6 in the film saga), Leia was a feisty female fighting the forces of the Empire. Her main look is the long white robe (available in standard and sexy versions) with the danish pastry/headphones hairstyle. An alternative look, popular at conventions, is the metallic bikini seen when she is a slave to Jabba the Hutt.
Lennon, John – Iconic musician and member of the Beatles, assassinated in December 1980. Using shaded round wire-rim glasses as a starting point, you can portray him using a hippy outfit, a Sgt Pepper uniform (his was yellow) or the white suit from Imagine.
Leonardo da Vinci - Italian artist, architect, inventor and visionary. It is primarily as a painter Leonardo was and is renowned His two paintings ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘The Last Supper’ occupy unique positions as the most famous. most reproduced and most parodied portrait and religious painting of all time. Might work as a couple with the Mona Lisa framed portrait costume.
Leopard – A jungle animal which can also be found in ‘The Jungle Book’. The leopard is popular for would-be feline females. A patterned fur or body suit would be an ideal costume or a bolder option is face and body paint. A face bop is available to purchase.
Leper - Not the most tasteful of outfits, but it can be depicted with a monk-style hooded gown, a bell and an appropriate mask or make-up products such as Gelfix, to create the right skin look.
Leprechaun – Great costume for St Patrick’s Day, and available in both male and female versions. Anything emerald green would be suitable for this costume. Many accessories such as beards, lucky coins, pots of gold can help complete your outfit.
Liberty, Statue of Iconic symbol of America, located on Libertyy Island in New York harbour (although there is smaller replica in Las Vegas). Often depicted as white it is actually greenish blue, as are the costumes. Liberty carries a torch in her right hand and a tablet with the date of American Independence inscribed upon it, in her left. She has a broken shackle on one ankle. A Lady Liberty variation, in a gown base on the stars and stripes flag may also be found.
Lifeguard - Costume involves Speedo swimsuit, swim cap and the float container for rescue equipment.
Lily Langtry – Edwardian Music Hall star, Famed for her beauty, she was known as ‘The Jersey Lily’. Costume consists of an elegant Edwardian evening dress. Hire costumes available.
Lily Munster- Matriarch of The Munsters (counterpart to the Addams Family), Lily is based on the Bride of Dracula look, but with white streaked long hair rather than the Bride of Frankenstein beehive
Linus (Peanuts) - The boy with the toy piano in the long-running Peanuts comic strip and TV spin-off. (The jazz-style Peanuts theme, used for the TV films, is called Linus and Lucy). Costumes for most of the Peanuts characters are now available.
Lion – King of the Jungle. The lion features in many stories such as ‘The Lion King’, ‘The Wizard of Oz’, ‘Narnia’ and ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass'(in combat with a Unicorn!). Lion costumes are usually easy to obtain from a number of sources.
Lion Tamer – A safari-style outfit and a whip or stick would be ideal for this costume, and it can work as a couple with the above. Just work out whos in charge of who!
Lisa Simpson – Elder daughter of the Simpson cartoon family. A Mask is available and carrying a small saxophone may enhance the impression.
Lister (Red Dwarf)- The sole human survivor on a mining ship, in the sci-fi TV comedy series. An official costume for this character is now available.
Little Bo Peep - Nursery rhyme shepherdess who lost her sheep, (although she might carry a lamb-bag).
Little Boy Blue – Nursery rhyme character. If you can find one you could wear a costume similar to the blue boy painting by Constable. Alternatively, wear a white t-shirt and blue dungarees to create your look.
Little Britain - TV sketch show of 2003, created by Matt Lucas & David Walliams. Characters include:
Daffyd – The only gay in the village; Vicky Pollard – A stroppy teenager: Bubbles DeVere – obese middle-aged woman who lives at a health spa: Andy and Lou – Andy is in a wheelchair and Lou is his care-giver. Official costumes and wigs are available on the market.
Little House on the Prairie – Popular TV programme about US pioneer folk, costumes are mid-western colonial.
Little Jack Horner – Nursery rhyme character known for his exploits with plum pie.
Little John – One of Robin Hoods Merrie Men. You can wear any medieval wear, suitable for an outlaw.
Little Match Girl – Hans Christian Andersen character. Wear a tatty blouse and skirt and take a tray of matchsticks.
Little Mermaid – Originally from Hans Christian Andersen’s book ‘The Little Mermaid’, later named ‘Ariel’ in a Disney cartoon of the story. You will need a mermaid tail or skirt, shell bra top and long red hair.
Little Miss Muffet – From the nursery rhyme of the same name. Normally portrayed as wearing a short dress, with bloomers and matching hat or hair-bow. Famous for the spider that sat down beside her.
Little Nell – Character from Charles Dickens’ ‘David Copperfield’. Wear a Victorian skirt, blouse and bonnet.
Little Pig – One of the three house-building pigs up against a wolf bent on destroying their handiwork. Use a pig mask plus dungarees or work-wear.
Little Red Riding Hood – Character from the fairy tales compiled by the Brothers Grimm. Many red gingham dresses with hooded capes are available to purchase.
Liz Hurley – British actress. Best known for her role as Vanessa Kensington in ‘Austin Powers’ (wear a silver halter-neck A line dress or leather cat-suit) and the Devil in ‘Bedazzled (various outfits from red catsuit to schoolgirl, policewoman).
Liza Minelli – American actress, daughter of Judy Garland. Famous for her roles in Cabaret and Arthur. Cabaret is probably the easiest to put together and you will only need a halter neck top, shorts and bowler hat. Known for her short bob hairstyle and long, spiky eyelashes.
Lizard - Although lizard costumes as such are scarce, some have successfully devised a part lizard, part human look based on the sci-fi TV series V.
Lobster – A novelty orange lobster costume is available on the market.
Lollipop Lady/Man – Wear a fluorescent jacket and make your own lollipop stick
Lone Ranger – 1950’s television programme. White cowboy costume, black eyemask and bandana.
Long John Silver – 18th century pirate from the book ‘Treasure Island’ (Robert Louise Stevenson). Costume comprises of a crutch, eye patch and parrot in addition to a basic pirate costume.
Looby Loo – Rag doll character from Children’s TV programme, Andy Pandy. Costume has a spotted dress, striped socks, plait hair and doll-like make up.
Lord Byron – Poet (and lover of Lady Caroline Lamb). Wear a frock coat, top hat, cravat and breeches.
Louis XIV, XV, XVI (of France) – Wear a Georgian style costume and complete with pale face and wig. Louis XV, was more famous for his affair with Madame Pompadour than his leadership. Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette, who were eventually both executed.
Louis Bleriot – First person to cross theEnglish Channel on 25th July 1909. Basic aviator costume will suffice.
Lucifer - Another name for The Devil.
Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) – Standard frock coat, cravat, breeches and an ear trumpet (if available) due to his being deaf.
Luke Skywalker – Lead character in Star Wars films. Costumes are available to purchase or hire.
Lulu Pop singer fromScotland. Famous hits during the 1960s include ‘Shout’. Use hotpants and A-line dresses.
Lance Armsrong is a bike rider, neil armstrong is the astronaut hahahahahahha
Yeah, we are numpties!!!!!!! thanks for pointing this out