Blackadder Fancy Dress Theme

Today, what about a fancy dress party based on the Blackadder television series?Tudor Costumes

Blackadder had 4 main television series and 4 ‘one off’ specials, including the initial pilot, which gives you a huge range of historical characters to chose your costumes from.

Series 1 – The Blackadder – set at the end of The Middle Ages

  • Knights
  • Medieval Peasants
  • Medieval costumes
  • Bishop

Series 2 – Blackadder II – Set during the reign of Elizabeth I

  • Nursie
  • Elizabeth I
  • Various Tudor Men & Ladies costumes
  • Peasant Man – Baldrick
  • ‘Bob’ Female dressed as a man servant

Series 3 – Blackadder The Third – Set in the Regency period

  • Regency / Georgian style costumes
  • Peasant Man

Series 4 Blackadder Goes Forth – Set in the First World War

  • World War I uniforms

Special ‘One Offs’

Pilot, never shown on terrestrial television – very closely based to the first series

Blackadder, The Cavalier Years (shown for comic Relief 1988) – set during the last days of the Civil War 1648.

  • Cavalier Costumes
  • Oliver Cromwell
  • Charles I
  • Roundheads

Blackadder’s Christmas Carol – set in Dickensian times.

  • Wear Dickensian / Victorian costumes
  • Baldrick wears bondage / punk style bracelets and chokers with tiny leather like pants with long brown hair
  • Prince Albert- Regency / Georgian Costumes

Blackadder. Back & Forth – first shown in the Millennium Dome in 2000.

  • Gladiator fancy dress
  • Nelson / Napolean
  • Dinosaurs
  • Robin Hood costumes
  • Maid Marion

We hope that this has given you some ideas for your own Blackadder costume theme. Let us know which character you decide to go as.

Today is the anniversary of the birth of one Samuel Johnson, way back in 1709. A Dictionary of the English Language was published in 1755 and we are reminded of a sketch, from the 1980s TV cult comedy series Blackadder, when Dr Johnson visits the eponymous hero. Not only does Blackadder take great delight in creating words which Johnson will think he has omitted from his dictionary but he also  finds his life’s-work (all nine years of it) going up in flames thanks to a mistake by Baldrick, Blackadder’s manservant. Nowadays, with the internet and the world-wide-web, information is much more accessible, if anything there is too much of it, but although we work in a business where there isn’t too much jargon, here at Props n Frocks you’ll always be able to find helpful information and good advice.


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